You can cancel your ZOZOFIT subscription at any time to prevent future charges. Please read the following carefully to ensure you cancel using the correct method.
If you purchased your ZOZOFIT subscription in the app
- Open the ZOZOFIT app
- Tap the blue circle in the top-left corner
- Tap "Your Plan"
- Tap "Manage Plan" at the top right corner
- Tap "Cancel Plan"
- Answer the brief cancellation survey
- Tap "Finish Cancellation"
You will then be redirected to your Apple Settings to finalize the cancellation
Please note:
- If you don’t see an option to cancel a subscription, it’s likely already cancelled and won’t renew.
- If the subscription recently expired, you’ll see an expiration date.
- If you recently cancelled, you’ll see the date until which you’ll have access.
More details can be found in this Apple Support article.
If you purchased your ZOZOFIT subscription through our web browser
- Visit our web browser
- Log into Food Journal
- Click "Profile" at the base of your screen
- Click "Your Plan"
- Click "Manage"
- Finalize your cancellation
Once completed, your cancellation will be confirmed.
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